Nuclear cloning is a procedure to create new animals by injecting somatic nuclei into unfertilized oocytes. Recent successes in mammalian cloning with differentiated adult nuclei strongly indicate that oocyte cytoplasm contains unidentified remarkable reprogramming activities with the capacity to erase the previous memory of cell differentiation. At the heart of this nuclear reprogramming lies chromatin remodeling as chromatin structure and function define cell differentiation through regulation of the transcriptional activities of the cells. Studies involving the modification of chromatin elements such as selective uptake or release of binding proteins, covalent histone modifications including acetylation and methylation, and DNA methylation should provide significant insight into the molecular mechanisms of nuclear dedifferentiation and redifferentiation in oocyte cytoplasm.Keywords: nuclear cloning; chromatin remodeling; linker histone; histone acetylation; histone methylation; DNA methylation.
I N T R O D U C T I O NDifferentiated somatic nuclei have the flexibility to dedifferentiate in oocyte cytoplasm and redifferentiate into other multiple lineages during the subsequent embryogenesis. This drastic nuclear plasticity has been repeatedly confirmed by successful nuclear cloning in frogs and several mammalian species over the past half a century (reviewed in [1][2][3]). Although generally only less than 1% of cloned mice survive to adulthood [1], many of the aborted embryos still contain terminally differentiated tissues derived from the injected somatic nuclei establishing that highly efficient reprogramming mechanisms exist in oocyte cytoplasm. Currently, the identities of these activities are ill defined. The toad Xenopus laevis and the mouse represent two of the complementary model organisms for nuclear cloning. Because of its large and abundant oocytes, Xenopus has been used for nuclear cloning since the 1950s, providing a great amount of valuable information regarding a wide range of cell biological and biochemical events that take place in the injected nuclei [2]. On the other hand, mouse cloning is more suitable for genetic studies such as the modification of DNA methylation, genomic imprinting and telomere length. Although these two species display distinct early developmental processes, these nuclei share common features upon injection into each oocyte including nuclear swelling, chromatin dispersal and loss of linker histone H1 (see below). In this minireview, we will highlight some of the selected topics on the chromatin modification in Xenopus and mammalian nuclear cloning, followed by a discussion about newly identified histone methylation and heterochromatin formation as an entirely unexplored field of chromatin modification involved in nuclear cloning.
E X C H A N G E O F C H R O M A T I N P R O T E I N SEarly reports demonstrated that Xenopus or human somatic nuclei injected into Xenopus oocytes lose 80-90% of the preradiolabelled nuclear proteins accompanied with significant incorporation o...