This paper, along with a companion paper [1], investigates the effects of flow control actuation on aero-optical distortions in the near wake of a 0.6 meter in diameter hemisphereon-cylinder turret model placed on the side wall of a wind tunnel. The aero-optical environment was characterized using a Malley probe. The main objective of the current work was to assess the effectiveness of the active flow control in mitigating optical aberrations over a conformal optical window mounted on the turret for backward-looking elevation angles at subsonic Mach numbers. The paper presents the analysis of the aerooptical environment present for the baseline flow around the turret and the influence of that the different active-flow-control configurations have on that environment.
I. BackgroundURRETS provide convenient ways of pointing and tracking laser beams from airborne platforms; however, the turret creates a separated turbulent region of the flow, which, even at relatively-low subsonic speeds, starts to distort an otherwise planar emerging laser beam [2][3][4]. This, in turn, leads to the laser beam's unsteady defocus and jitter at the target [5]. The turbulent flow behind the turret is, in general, quite complex [4] and hard to control. However, it has been shown [2,4,6] that the main cause of aero-optical distortions for moderate back-looking angles is the shear-layer structures that form shortly after the flow separates from the hemispherical portion of the turret. One way to reduce the aero-optical degradation on the laser beam at these angles is to delay separation by manipulating the boundary layer just upstream of where separation would be in the absence of flow control. Recently, this approach was successfully demonstrated on a 0.25 meter hemispherical turret [7] where synthetic jetactuators mounted flush on the hemispherical surface were able to delay the separation, reducing levels of optical distortion by as much as 45% for M=0.4.Similar, but more powerful, synthetic-jet actuators were tested on a generic hemisphere-on-cylinder turret to see whether they could reduce optical aberrations behind a larger, 0.6 meter in diameter turret. The companion paper [1] discusses in detail the actuators' design, their locations on the turret and actuation cases tested, as well as actuation effects on surface pressure and wake velocity profiles for different actuation cases. This paper complements that paper and focuses on aero-optical measurements using a Malley probe.T