An important objective of the Semi-Span Super-Sonic Transport (S 4 T) wind tunnel model program was the demonstration of Flutter Suppression (FS), Gust Load Alleviation (GLA), and Ride Quality Enhancement (RQE). It was critical to evaluate the stability and robustness of these control laws analytically before testing them and experimentally while testing them to ensure safety of the model and the wind tunnel. MATLAB based software was applied to evaluate the performance of closed-loop systems in terms of stability and robustness. Existing software tools were extended to use analytical representations of the S 4 T and the control laws to analyze and evaluate the control laws prior to testing. Lessons were learned about the complex windtunnel model and experimental testing. The open-loop flutter boundary was determined from the closed-loop systems. A MATLAB/Simulink Simulation developed under the program is available for future work to improve the CPE process. This paper is one of a series of that comprise a special session, which summarizes the S 4 T wind-tunnel program. Nomenclature CLO = control law output CPE = controller performance evaluation FRF = frequency response function or frequency responses det = determinant G = open-loop plant FLAP = wing trailing edge control surface FLAPCOM = command to FLAP FLAPEXC = excitation to FLAP HT = horizontal tail HTCOM = command to HT HTEXC = excitation to HT IBMID15I = accelerometer located on the inboard middle section of the wing LTI = linear time invariant state-space representation of a system. MIMO = multi-input multi-output NIBAFTZ = nacelle inboard aft accelerometer in the z direction ! = dynamic pressure, psf RCV = ride control vane SISO = single-input single-output ! ! = time history of ith excitation to control surface ! ! = time history of ith control law output ! ! = time history of ith plant output ! ! = matrix of frequency responses of control law outputs to excitations ! ! = matrix of frequency responses of plant outputs to excitations σ = singular value Subscripts f = flutter