Immunological studies. of pneumococcal infections in both man (1-8) and animals (9)(10)(11)(12)(13) have shown that the development of specific antibodies is not affected by early therapy with sulfonamide drugs. In contrast, early penicillin therapy of rabbits and mice (14) and of rats (15) Twenty-nine patients received initial penicillin doses of from 20,000 to 50,000 units intramuscularly; 12 patients were given 100,000 units, and three patients 300,000 units. Subsequent dosage in 33 cases ranged from 20,000 to 50,000 units every two to three hours. Four patients received 100,000 units every eight hours; six patients received 100,000 units every 12 hours. One patient was treated with 300,000 units of procaine penicillin once a day. Duration of treatment varied from five to 27 days, and total dosage ranged from 1 million to 10 million units.Agglutination tests were done using a 0. Mouse protection tests were performed us'ng strains of pneumococci maintained by daily mouse passage. Mouse virulent strains 2 were available for all types except type 33. For each test, the heart's blood of a mouse, inoculated five hours previously with the specific type of pneumococci, was transferred in blood broth and the resulting culture incubated for 18 hours. The serum was diluted in 0.85 per cent NaCl solution so that 0.1 ml. was contained in 0.5 ml. Decimal dilutions of the pneumococcal culture were injected intrap-ritoneally in 0.5 ml. amounts; immediately thereafter 0.5 ml. of the serum dilution was administered by the same route. Five mice were used for each dilution, and at least four consecutive decimal dilutions of organisms were used in testing each serum. In the event that an end-point was not reached, all sera from that patient were retested. A control titration was performed with each test, employing broth in place of serum, and a 50 per cent lethal dose (LD50) was arbitrarily selected as the end-point, for comparison with the serum titrations. The titer was considered to be the degree of protection, expressed in terms of LD50, conferred by 0