A well intercept operation has the scope to drill into an existing well. Similarly, some infill drilling operations are conducted with the scope of avoiding interception with other wells. A prototype of a tool for Active Magnetic Ranging While Drilling (AMR) without the use of a wireline operation has been developed for use in petroleum and geothermal wells. The main scope of the current article is presenting the results of application of this new tool in a test well.
The ranging tool emits a low frequency alternating current into the formation to reach the target well and then run through that's casing and returning back to the well being drilled. This current set up a variable magnetic field that is measured by the AMR tool determining the direction towards the target well as well as the distance. If drilling a relief well, 10 - 25 wireline runs are needed before the target well is intercepted. The present tool perform similar operations with an integrated tool systems in the drill pipe and, thus, avoid all the tripping operations.
A prototype of an active magnetic ranging tool on the drill pipe has been developed. This tool is outlined in detail in the paper. Focus will be given to performance of the tool. The tool and the progress have been described in earlier SPE papers. The current article describes the most recent results of the test well performances. The set-up and the results of the logging operation conducted on a drill pipe is described in detail. It is shown how the direction and distance between the two wells are measured using the tool. It is shown by computer simulations how these measurement results can be improved.
Most intercept operations are not relief well drilling, but cases where a well needs to be intercepted because a well section shall be connected to another well, or during plug and abandonment operation. The tool can also be used for avoiding collision with other wells, which is a relevant scope for drilling infill wells in older fields or radiator wells in geothermal drilling. The tool and its potential are outlined in the paper