Designing secure integrated systems requires methods and tools dedicated to simulating -at early design stages-the effects of laserinduced transient faults maliciously injected by attackers. Existing methods for simulation of laser-induced transient faults do not take into account IR drop effects that are able to cause timing failures, abnormal reset, and sram flipping. This paper proposes a novel standard cad tool-based method allowing to simulate laser-induced faults in large-scale circuits. Thanks to a power-grid network modeled by a commercial IR drop cad tool, an additional transient current component causing laser-induced IR drop is taken into consideration. This current component flows from v DD to g ND and may have a significant effect on the fault injection process. The method provides fault sensitivity maps that enable a quick assessment of laser-induced fault effects on the circuit under analysis. As shown in the results, the number of induced faults is underestimated by a factor as large as 3.1 if laser-induced IR drop is ignored. This may lead to incorrect estimations of the fault injection threshold, which is especially relevant for the design of countermeasure techniques for secure integrated systems. Simulation times regarding four different circuits are also presented in the results section.