“…1 Nevertheless, common mode leakage current (CMLC) exists in the nonisolated PV grid-connected inverters, which causes personal safety problem, induces electromagnetic interference, increases inverter losses, and decreases grid current quality. [2][3][4][5] In order to List of Symbols and Abbreviations: i g , Grid current; U in , Input voltage; u g , Grid voltage; i L1 -i L3 , Currents through L 1 -L 3 , respectively; I refm , Maximum value of the reference grid current; U inf , Feedback voltage of U in ; u gf , Feedback voltage of u g ; iL1_ref, Reference current of L 1 ; i L1f , Feedback current of L 1 ; iL2_ref, Reference current of L2; iL2f, Feedback current of L2; φg, Phase of u g ; pin, Instantaneous input power; po, Instantaneous output power; U g , Root-mean-square (RMS) value of u g ; u ds1 -u ds4 , Drain-source voltages of S 1 -S 4 , respectively; u d1 and u d2 , Voltages across D 1 and D 2 , respectively; uC, Voltage across capacitor C; d 2 , Duty ratio of S 2 ; d 1 , Duty ratio of S 1 ; P o , Output power; f s , Switching frequency; U gp , Maximum value of u g ; I gp , Peak value of i g .…”