INTRODUCCIÓNLa edad preescolar se caracteriza por ser una etapa en la que se adquieren los hábitos que van a definir el estilo de vida del futuro adulto (1), es por ello que es pertinente implementar en esta etapa, cualquier acción que permita un crecimiento y desarrollo normal. Algún cambio desfavorable en el estilo de vida del niño, comprometerá su formación biológica, que de una u otra forma afectará su estado nutricional y por ende su salud actual y futura.Diversos factores influyen en el estado nutricional del niño, entre ellos los hábitos alimentarios y la actividad física, no obstante, pocos son los estudios que relacionan éstas variables en niños de edad preescolar.En cuanto al estado nutricional, los estudios reali- Frisancho's pattern as a reference, 173 children were studied, and anthropometric indicators such as height/age, weight/height and both lean and fat arm areas were measured. To assess food habits and PAL, a questionnaire was developed and applied. Results: For vegetables, fruits and fats the consumption patterns was low, and for cereals, meats, and dairy products was high. In 52% of the children the PAL was intense, and in the 27% was light. Among food habits, PAL and sedentary index (SI) an association was found. Conclusions: Results suggest implementing changes from the preschool stage to correct for inappropriate food habits, to encourage physical activity and to avoid a high SI, will relate to the appearance of adult chronic degenerative diseases.
Preschool Venezuelan children underwent a study that measures the relationship between anthropometric nutritional state, food habits and physical activity level (PAL). Methods: Using