A transgenic rat line carrying the alb-SV40A of apoptosis. Described as a counterpart of mitosis, transgene has been described by this laboratory. Several apoptosis has been the focus of a large number of studcell lines have been established from the livers of two of ies since it was first described by Kerr et al. [1][2][3][4][5][6] Affecting these rats. One of these cell lines, L37, exhibits a large single or small groups of cells, apoptosis exhibits nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and a well-differentiated cyto-changes in cellular ultrastructure that are distinct plasm containing numerous organelles. When L37 cells from the process of necrosis. 7,8 One of the first ultraare placed into culture medium lacking necessary structural changes observed in the apoptotic process is growth factors, cellular proliferation continues for 48 the shrinkage and detachment of apoptotic cells from with the dilation and vesiculation of the endoplasmic cent cells, eventually sloughing off the culture plate surface, with most cell deaths occurring between 48 and 96 reticulum 9 ; this forces intracellular fluids and ions out hours after medium change. Microscopic examination of of the cytoplasm. 10 Endoplasmic reticulum vesicles fuse sloughing cells indicates they possess highly convoluted with the plasma membrane, resulting in a highly conand blebbed plasma membranes, a morphological char-voluted and blebbed plasma membrane. 11 In addition, acteristic of apoptosis. Ultrastructural studies demon-there is a loss of plasma membrane functions, including strate the ubiquitous presence of apoptotic bodies. When loss of cell junctions and surface microvilli. Concurrent DNA isolated from growth factor-depleted cells is re-with the changes occurring in the endoplasmic reticusolved on agarose gels, DNA fragmentation ladders are lum, cytoplasm, and plasma membrane, nuclear events observed at times of maximum apoptotic change. Quanlead to the condensation and margination of the chrotitative analysis of L37 cells between 48 and 96 hours matin. In contrast to these subcellular changes, other after the removal of the culture medium shows that 59% { 2% of the cells undergo apoptosis. When cyclohexi-organelles remain relatively intact. In a very rapid promide, puromycin, or actinomycin D is added to the L37 cess lasting only minutes, the apoptotic cell fragments cultures, only cycloheximide is able to repress apoptosis, into membrane-encapsulated, smooth-surfaced apoindicating that the mechanism of apoptosis in the L37 ptotic bodies. The number and size of apoptotic bodies liver-derived cell line requires a cycloheximide-sensitive produced by a single ruptured cell vary. The apoptotic translational event. The extremely high rate of bodies may contain condensed nuclear or cytoplasmic apoptosis, together with the maintenance of hepatocel-material, including intact organelles. In vivo, the apo-
1601.)In our laboratory, we have developed a line of transgenic rats 13 in which the transgene is the mouse The loss of cell number homeostasis can occur either al...