The goal of this article is to d iscuss that the long allele of the serotonin transporter gene that w as consid ered in some publications to be a gene of "happiness" and "w ell-being" is actually a gene that is responsible for the pred isposition to the search activity that by itself contains positive emotional feelings. This statement is confirmed by the comparison of the results of d ifferent investigations and helps to solve many contrad ictions in psychobiology of emotional sensitivity, fear, d epression, suicid e attempts, of relationships betw een stressful cond itions and w ell-being. Key w ord s: Consciousness; Gene of happiness; Search activity concept
GEN ETIC PRED ISPOSITION TO WELL-BEIN GAn interest to the reasons of happiness and to the d istribution of the feeling of happiness is very strong in hu m an society. Diener (1996) fou nd in his investigation that m ost p eop le report a p ositive level of subjective w ell-being and say that they are satisfied w ith m arriage, w ork and leisure. This statement seem s to be overoptimistic but author m ay be correct proposing that such p ositive attitud e to the life help s to resist negative events and to cope w ith them. Positive self point may m otivate hum an's sociability, d rive free exploration and creativity. Thus it m ay be a feed back betw een w ell-being and the active position in hu man life.In the recent years appeared a new branch of hu man p sychobiology: a genetic app roach to w ell-being and happiness. In a comp rehensive investigation (Lykken & Tellegen, 1996) happ iness (subjective well-being) w as measured on a birth-record -based sample of several thou sand m id d le-aged tw ins using the Well-Being scale of Multid imensional Personality Questionnaire. Socioeconomic status, ed ucational attainment, family income, m arital statu s, an ind icant of religious com mitment could not account for more than a bout 3% of the variance in well-being. H owever, from 44% to 52% of the variance in well-being were associated w ith genetic variation. When tw ins have been retested after few years, authors found that the heritability of the stable component of subjective w ell-being approaches 80%.