Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) are employed in first line therapies for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. They generally lack a 3-hydroxyl group, and thus when incorporated into the nascent DNA they prevent further elongation. In this report we show that 4-ethynyl-2-fluoro-2-deoxyadenosine (EFdA), a nucleoside analog that retains a 3-hydroxyl moiety, inhibited HIV-1 replication in activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells with an EC 50 of 0.05 nM, a potency several orders of magnitude better than any of the current clinically used NRTIs. This exceptional antiviral activity stems in part from a mechanism of action that is different from approved NRTIs. Reverse transcriptase (RT) can use EFdA-5-triphosphate (EFdA-TP) as a substrate more efficiently than the natural substrate, dATP. Importantly, despite the presence of a 3-hydroxyl, the incorporated EFdA monophosphate (EFdA-MP) acted mainly as a de facto terminator of further RT-catalyzed DNA synthesis because of the difficulty of RT translocation on the nucleic acid primer possessing 3-terminal EFdA-MP. EFdA-TP is thus a translocation-defective RT inhibitor (TDRTI). This diminished translocation kept the primer 3-terminal EFdA-MP ideally located to undergo phosphorolytic excision. However, net phosphorolysis was not substantially increased, because of the apparently facile reincorporation of the newly excised EFdA-TP. Our molecular modeling studies suggest that the 4-ethynyl fits into a hydrophobic pocket defined by RT residues Ala-114, Tyr-115, Phe-160, and Met-184 and the aliphatic chain of Asp-185. These interactions, which contribute to both enhanced RT utilization of EFdA-TP and difficulty in the translocation of 3-terminal EFdA-MP primers, underlie the mechanism of action of this potent antiviral nucleoside.Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) 4 are central components of first line regimens for treatment of HIV infections (1-6). Currently, there are eight clinically approved NRTIs: AZT, 3TC, FTC, ABC, ddI, ddC, d4T, and the nucleotide tenofovir (TFV; reviewed in Refs. 7 and 8). A structural hallmark of these NRTIs is the lack of a 3Ј-OH; it has long been considered that the absence of the 3Ј-OH is essential for antiviral activity. However, the absence of the 3Ј-OH in NRTIs also imparts detrimental properties to the inhibitor, including reduced affinity for RT compared with the analogous dNTP substrate, as well as reduced intracellular conversion to the active nucleoside triphosphate (9).Previously we described a series of 4Ј-substituted NRTIs (10) that retain the 3Ј-OH group and have excellent antiviral properties and significantly improved selectivity indices (CC 50 / EC 50 ) compared with the approved NRTIs. Furthermore, these NRTIs efficiently suppress various NRTI-resistant HIV. The most potent of these 4Ј-substituted NRTIs are the adenosine analogs that have an ethynyl group at the 4Ј position of the ribose ring. Despite their high anti-HIV activity, 4Ј-substituted compounds are susce...