The physicochemical properties and electrophoretic mobility of different isoforms of alkaline phosphatase were studied in chorionic villi. Based on selective inactivation and inhibition studies (thermal stability, inactivation by urea, EDTA and L(+)ascorbic acid and L-amino acid inhibition), evidence was obtained for the existence of two distinct types of alkaline phosphatase in trophoblast cells. One type is peculiar to chorionic villi while the other is also found in term placenta. Both show two isoforms. These two isoforms were observed with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, carried out at pH 6.0 and 9.5. It is suggested that the qualitative and quantitative methods of alkaline phosphatase analysis could be used for first trimester fetal diagnosis of severe infantile hypophosphatasia and for understanding genetic control during early fetal development.