As a result of the studies carried out, species-specific reactions of relative sensitivity to chemical fungicides of strains of the genera Fusarium Link, Alternaria Nees and Botrytis (Fr.) in vitro were noted. Fungicide Cidely-Top, DC inhibited the growth of fungi F. sporotrichioides, F. semitectum and A. alternata by 95-96 %, its minimum biological effectiveness was 83 % on the F. oxysporum strain. Fungicide Luna Tranquility, SC showed very high antifungal activity against F. avenacium, F. oxysporum and A. alternata (100 %) and low antifungal activity against F. solani and B. cinerea (73-74 %), other pathogens were suppressed with average activity. The drug Tirada, SC inhibited the growth of all studied micromycetes by 98-100 %, except for B. cinerea, the effectiveness against which was 94 % and lower. In general, against the B. cinerea fungus, the effectiveness of all drugs was average or below average, which may indicate the presence of resistance in the studied strain.