1Mitochondrial morphology is dynamically changed in conjunction with spatiotemporal 2 functionality. Although considerable efforts have been made to understand why abnormal 3 mitochondrial morphology occurs in various diseases, the biological significance of 4 mitochondrial morphology in states of health and disease remains to be elucidated owing to 5 technical limitations. In the present study, we developed a novel method, termed inducible 6Counter Mitochondrial Morphology (iCMM), to purposely manipulate mitochondrial 7 morphological patterns on a minutes timescale, using a chemically inducible dimerization system. 8Using iCMM, we showed that mitochondrial morphological changes rapidly lead to the 9 characteristic reconstitution of various biological information, which is difficult to investigate by 10 conventional genetic engineering. The manipulation of mitochondrial morphology using iCMM 11 can improve our understanding of the interplay between mitochondrial morphology and cellular 12 functions. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 perspective on the pathology of oxidative phosphorylation disorders. Cell Metab. 3, 9-13 (2006).5 3. Jakobs, S. et al. Spatial and temporal dynamics of budding yeast mitochondria lacking the 6 division component Fis1p.