Stroke is emerging as a significant health issue that threatens human health worldwide and as a common sequela of stroke spastic paralysis after stroke (SPAS) has received wide attention. Currently, several systematic reviews have suggested that the commonly used acupuncture therapy (electroacupuncture, fire acupuncture, warm acupuncture, and filiform needle acupuncture) has achieved significant efficacy in the treatment of SPAS. In this study, network meta-analysis will be used to analyze the results of different clinical trials and evaluate the differences in the efficacy of different acupuncture treatments for SPAS.
Only randomized controlled trials will be included and all patients were diagnosed as spastic paralysis after stroke. A computer-based retrieval will be conducted at CNKI, WanFang databases, VIP, Sinoed, Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane library. The search period limit is from the time the date of database establishment to April 17, 2020. To avoid omissions, we will manually retrieve relevant references and conference papers. The risk of bias in the final included studies will be evaluated based on the guidelines of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. All data analysis will be conducted by Revman5.3, WinBUGS 1.4.3, and Stata14.2.
This study quantified the effectiveness of each intervention for different outcome indicators. The primary outcomes include the Fugl-Meyer Assessment score, the modified Ashworth scale for the assessment of spasticity, and Barthel Index. The secondary outcomes include clinical effectiveness and adverse reactions.
It will provide evidence-based medical evidence for clinicians to choose more effective acupuncture therapy for SPAS