In this article we focus on reward system. Reward system can be considered the center of our body-mind equilibrium: we have medial reward, leading life, reproduction, needs, and willings; if this is not adequatly satisfied, dopamine is converted by dopa-beta-hydroxilase into catecolamines, and habenula regulates the balance so that lateral reward risk to become prevalent, with activation of HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary gland-adrenal glands), with all the negative effects typical of most diffused world diseases.Reward can be somehow identified with the TCM three treasures: qi (energy), shen (psyche = ψυχή = jing (the reproductive essence, created thanks to the ministerial fire of ming men, an extraordinary kidney function).Reward can synthetized as the summa of our needs: so the secret for a happy life, as 5000 years ago revealed Ayurveda Tradition and 3000 years ago Traditional Chinese Medicine followed, is a correct lifestyle... it mainly means: following our needs in a balanced way.
OpinionDora and Fatih, seeing that Occidental Medicine tends to prefer practical observations than traditional knowledges (based also on medicine and health practise), taking inspiration by works by Esch and Stefano,... we created a REWARD STRATEGY symbol that contains all the pillars for a good lifestyle: a. Diet: for example mediterrenean diet, knowing that nowadays, as in oriental health systems, quality is becoming important as quality b. Fitness: 1 hour fitness per day is suggested (average) c. Mind: have a relaxed mind (alpha waves too) is basis for wellbeing d. Love life: love life is a genetical need, that's why affective life is a human right, and of course in reward view it's the best way to make medial reward prevale, and for TCM it's the essential solution to preserve jing, the vital essence e. Sleep: 7-8 hours per night f. Extra-rewards: if, for external reasons, despite all this… there risk to be disarmonies, we can recur to CAM for example, since complementary and alternative medicines are the only kind of medicine improving medial reward, that means that they act on BEN the root solving also the BIAO the manifestation (the target for Occidental Medicine). (Figure 1)Of course we can talk also about the anti-reward, what we can call a micro-damage: if for any external reason reward is not guaranteed, this impact in stochastic way on our wellness (or even deterministic).Another clue related to reward is synchronization: this is typical and basis for couple love, since love life makes so that two persons (brains, bodies-minds, lives) become synchronized (their EEG become similar), and this is indeed related to a positive medial reward function, that's why privacy is not only a theoretical rule but also a real need… we have to choose the best "synchronizations" we can in order to guarantee to us wellbeing day by day.We can say that reward is need, is right and is duty too, since health is a duty for us, for our partner, for families and for world society too, to maintain equlibria inside and outside as well: ...