abbreviatioNs AUC = area under the curve; BBB = blood-brain barrier; DAI = diffuse axonal injury; Eg = estrogen; FIM = functional independence measure; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; GFAP = glial fibrillary acidic protein; GOS = Glasgow Outcome Scale; ICP = intracranial pressure; IL = interleukin; IQR = interquartile range; NGF = nerve growth factor; NSE = neuron-specific enolase; Pg = progesterone; ROC = receiver operating characteristic; sTBI = severe traumatic brain injury; TNF-a = tumor necrosis factor-a. Pg]). This analysis was performed using the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique at admission and 7 days later for 86 patients, irrespective of assigned group. The long-term predictive values of serum biomarkers for dichotomized Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score, functional independence measure, and survival status at 6 and 12 months were analyzed using an adjusted binary logistic regression model and receiver operating characteristic curve. results A favorable GOS score (4-5) at 1 year was predicted by higher admission IL-6 (above 108.36 pg/ml; area under the curve [AUC] 0.69, sensitivity 52%, and specificity 78.6%) and Day 7 Pg levels (above 3.15 ng/ml; AUC 0.79, sensitivity 70%, and specificity 92.9%). An unfavorable GOS score (1-3) at 1 year was predicted by higher Day 7 GFAP levels (above 9.50 ng/ml; AUC 0.82, sensitivity 78.6%, and specificity 82.4%). Survivors at 1 year had significantly higher Day 7 Pg levels (above 3.15 ng/ml; AUC 0.78, sensitivity 66.7%, and specificity 90.9%). Nonsurvivors at 1 year had significantly higher Day 7 GFAP serum levels (above 11.14 ng/ml; AUC 0.81, sensitivity 81.8%, and specificity 88.9%) and Day 7 IL-6 serum levels (above 71.26 pg/ml; AUC 0.87, sensitivity 81.8%, and specificity 87%). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, independent predictors of outcome at 1 year were serum levels of Day 7 Pg (favorable GOS-OR 3.24, CI 1.5-7, p = 0.003; and favorable survival-OR 2, CI 1.2-3.5, p = 0.01); admission IL-6 (favorable GOS-OR 1.04, CI 1.00-1.08, p = 0.04); and Day 7 GFAP p = 0.01; p = 0.01). coNclusioNs Serial Pg, GFAP, and IL-6 monitoring could aid in prognosticating outcomes in patients with acute sTBI. A cause and effect relationship or a mere association of these biomarkers to outcome needs to be further studied for better understanding of the pathophysiology of sTBI and for choosing potential therapeutic targets.Clinical trial registration no