Several groups are assessing the use of cationic lipids for administration and at intervals up to 21 days thereafter. respiratory gene therapy. To date no human data are availNo adverse clinical events were seen or any statistically able regarding the safety of intra-pulmonary cationic lipid significant changes in spirometry or gas transfer. There delivery. In preparation for a trial of pulmonary delivery of were no clinically significant changes in any of the blood the CFTR gene, we have assessed the safety of nebulised parameters and no CT changes were seen. Comparisons lipid GL-67/DOPE/DMPE-PEG 5000 (GL-67A), the cationic of the cellular subpopulations (neutrophils, eosinophils, lipid formulation to be used in this study. Fifteen healthy lymphocytes and macrophages) in induced sputum volunteers were given incremental doses of GL-67A via a showed no significant alterations following administration Pari LC Jet nebuliser; three volunteers in each of five dosof the GL-67A. This study suggests that a single appliing cohorts with a week interval between cohorts. Markers cation of aerosol formulation of GL-67A does not result in of safety included clinical assessment, measurement of clinically detectable changes when given by nebulisation lung function, chest CT scan, serological testing and analyinto the lungs of normal volunteers and provides an indisis of induced sputum. Measurements were taken before cation of a lipid dose tolerated in man.