Abstract. Acute kidney injury is a condition when kidney function decreases marked by decreased glomerular filtration rate and increased metabolic end products (BUN and creatinine). Currently, the treatment of acute kidney failure is still supportive, expensive and most of the drugs that have the potential to treat acute kidney failure are generally hydrophobic, easily degraded, low bioavailability, non-specifically targeting the kidney which causes increased side effects to other organs. Nanotechnology is the solution to this problem. Therefore, this study aims to determine the type and method of synthesis of nanoparticles for the treatment of acute kidney injury and to determine the effect of nanoparticles on the function of the renal biomarkers, namely BUN and creatinine. This research was conducted using a systematic literature review (SLR) method. Based on the results of the literature search, nanoparticles that can be used in the treatment of acute kidney failure include synthetic polymer nanoparticles, metallic liposomes, and carbon dots. Can be synthesized by sonication, hydrothermal, self-assembly, and high pressure application. It can also reduce BUN and creatinine levels.Abstrak. Gagal ginjal akut merupakan kondisi ketika fungsi ginjal mengalami penurunan ditandai dengan menurunnnya kadar filtrasi glomerulus dan meningkatnya produk akhir metabolisme (BUN dan kreatinin). Saat ini, pengobatan gagal ginjal akut masih bersifat suportif, mahal dan sebagian besar obat yang berpotensi dalam terapi gagal ginjal akut umumnya bersifat hidrofobik, mudah terdegradasi, bioavailabilitas rendah, tidak spesifik menargetkan ginjal yang menyebabkan efek samping ke organ lain meningkat. Nanoteknologi menjadi solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan metode sintesis nanopartikel untuk terapi gagal ginjal akut serta untuk mengetaui pengaruh nanopartikel terhadap biomarker fungsi ginjal yaitu BUN dan kreatinin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode systematic literature review (SLR). Berdasarkan hasil penulusuran pustaka, nanopartikel yang dapat digunakan dalam terapi gagal ginjal akut diantaranya yaitu nanopartikel polimer sintetik, metalik liposom, dan carbon dots. Dapat disintesis dengan metode sonikasi, hidrotermal, self-assembly, dan pemberian tekanan tinggi. serta dapat menurunkan kadar BUN dan kreatinin.