The natural killer (NK) cell activity of the blood and marrow was studied in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). NKactivity of the cells from blood and marrow was significantly decreased in AMLto three target cell lines. Both binding and killing capacities of the effector cells were deeply depressed in the blood as well as in the marrowat single cell assay. Surface phenotypic analysis showeda significant decrease in CD ll+ cell subsets, but not in CD16+ or Leu-7+ cells, in both blood and marrow cells from AML. A significant decrease of large granular lymphocytes (LGL) was also displayed in these samples at morphological examination. The effector cells from AMLpatients poorly responded to interferon stimulation in NKcytolysis. Taken together, a decrease in CD ll + cell population with LGLmorphology appeared to be responsible for the impaired NKactivity in patients with AML.