In 1997, a 55-year-old woman with Philadelphia chromosome positive CML in the first chronic phase received allogeneic peripheral blood SCT from her HLA-identical sister following a preparative regimen containing CY (total dose of 120 mg/kg) and fractionated TBI (2.4 Gy  6). Standard GVHD prophylaxis was provided by methotrexate and CYA. Earlier transplantation donor examination showed a normal full blood count with a normal leukocyte count and normal lymphocyte percentage. From day þ 100 after transplant onwards, real-time PCR showed a bcr-abl/ abl ratio consistent with complete molecular remission of CML and complete donor chimerism was found by molecular studies. Grades 1-2 acute and subsequently limited chronic GVHD of the skin and mouth mucosa had developed as transplant complication and responded well to steroid treatment. Until 2005, normal leukocyte counts and normal lymphocyte percentages were repeatedly found on follow-up blood tests.In early 2005, a slightly elevated leukocytosis of 13.6/nl was detected for the first time but was not investigated further. One year later, the patient presented with elevated leukocyte count of 21/nl and a lymphocytosis at 78% while being without clinical symptoms. Haemoglobin level and platelet count were normal at 13.3 g per 100 ml and 247/nl, respectively. No palpable lymph nodes were found on clinical examination, spleen and liver were not enlarged, chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound yielded unremarkable results. Immunophenotyping was performed on peripheral blood and showed a B lymphocyte clone with the immunophenotype CD19 þ /CD20 þ low/CD5 þ / CD22 þ low/CD23 þ /FMC7À/CD24 þ /CD79bÀ/CD43 þ / ZAP-70À compatible with CLL stratified stage A according to Binet classification. Cytogenetics showed a normal karyotype by banding techniques, whereas interphase FISH revealed a deletion at 13q14 and additional chromosomal material at 12q13, but was negative for 6q21, 8q24, 11q22.3 and 17p13 abnormalities. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene sequencing of the CLL clone revealed a highly mutated gene status (410% mutation rate, VH 4-34 DH 5-24 JH 4*02). Chimerism studies using short tandem repeats amplification of nine loci showed 100% donor chimerism in both the CD3-positive and in the CD19-positive cell fraction demonstrating donor origin of T-cells and B-cells. Subsequently, blood tests were performed on the 76-year-old stem cell donor. The leukocyte count was slightly elevated but no lymphocytosis was detected. Interestingly, immunophenotyping of donor's peripheral blood showed the presence of a B-cell clone with the(13% of all lymphocytes). Clonal identity with the recipient's CLL clone was documented in the donor's blood samples by quantitative Ig heavy chain allele-specific oligonucleotide PCR using clone-specific forward primers in combination with heavy chain immunoglobulin J segment (JH) family-specific consensus reverse primers and probes as described earlier.