“…Localised hypodense lesions in the basal ganglia have also been described on computed tomography in encephalitis after infections with ECHO, mumps, measles, and Coxsackie viruses.18 20 Circumstantial evidence has implicated the influenza virus as the cause of the encephalitis lethargica epidemic of the 1920s.23 Similar isolated cases have been described from year to year often at the time ofinfluenza epidemics.2429 von Economo first described the illness, postulated a viral aetiology, and reported foci of inflammation in the grey matter of the midbrain and basal ganglia.30 The manifestations of encephalitis lethargica were variable but a number of clinical features have been proposed as major criteria to support the diagnosis.3' Our first case showed signs of basal ganglia involvement with choreoathetoid movements, ophthalmoplegia, and somnolence. Our second case exhibited akinetic mutism, central respiratory irregularities, and somnolence.…”