Summary. On the way to reducing the incidence of pain chronicity, it is first of all necessary to analyze the existing problem, prioritize and differentiate factors that can potentially improve the situation. By analyzing the pain management system of a medical institution, it is easy to track its effectiveness, especially when it comes to the wounded, because a certain percentage of such patients nevertheless continue treatment at the next stage through strategic medical evacuation. Studying the intensity of pain during strategic medical evacuation allows, to some extent, to assess the effectiveness of pain treatment.
Objective. To study the intensity of pain in combatants after wounds in medical institutions of Kyiv.
Methods. The results of pain treatment in 368 combatants after wounds in some Kyiv hospitals are presented. Pain intensity was assessed using the numerical pain scale (NPS).
Results. The analysis data show that the highest pain intensity score on the WSS was in the Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 6" and averaged 5.7 points, which meets the criteria for moderate pain. In the Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Executive Body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration), this indicator was 4.0 points, in the Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 4 – 3, 3 points, at the Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Care" – 3.0 points, at the Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 8" and the Municipal Nonprofit Enterprise "Oleksandrivska Clinical Hospital of Kyiv" – 2.5 points, at Feofaniya Clinical Hospital of the State Administration of Affairs – 2.3 points, and at the National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital" – 2.2 points. High-intensity pain was experienced in 5% of cases, moderate pain in 19%, mild pain in 74%, and no pain in 2% of cases.
Conclusion. Pain management in some Kyiv hospitals treating wounded requires the introduction of new approaches, as better pain control during treatment and evacuation can potentially improve long-term treatment outcomes. Supplementing the healthcare system with a pain management system may be important given the war and the number of wounded.