DOI: 10.1186/s12884-022-04742-8
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Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy: a 10-year, multi-center, retrospective study in Beijing

Abstract: Objective Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy (APIP) is a rare and serious complication during pregnancy. It has acute onset and is difficult to diagnose and treat. The aim of the present study was to describe the etiology, clinical manifestations, and maternofetal outcomes of APIP. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 32 pregnant women who were treated at three tertiary care hospitals in Beijing, China. The correlation between the causes of APIP, sever… Show more

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Cited by 15 publications
(13 citation statements)
References 41 publications
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“…We advocate scienti c diet and exercise during pregnancy to prevent pancreatitis. [3,9]In stage 2, 4 new PAH pregnant women appeared, which is also a phenomenon worthy of vigilance; Although the WHO stipulates that PAH is an absolute contraindication of pregnancy, the advancement of clinical multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment has improved the life quality of PAH patients, some patients may disregard the advice and insist on taking the risk of pregnancy, so that the ratio of pregnant women with PAH increases signi cantly [10], which is consistent with our research results. In stage 2, the ratio of the SM suffering from immune-related disease dropped signi cantly.…”
Section: The Internal Reasons and Composition Of Icu Admission For Sm...supporting
confidence: 90%
“…We advocate scienti c diet and exercise during pregnancy to prevent pancreatitis. [3,9]In stage 2, 4 new PAH pregnant women appeared, which is also a phenomenon worthy of vigilance; Although the WHO stipulates that PAH is an absolute contraindication of pregnancy, the advancement of clinical multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment has improved the life quality of PAH patients, some patients may disregard the advice and insist on taking the risk of pregnancy, so that the ratio of pregnant women with PAH increases signi cantly [10], which is consistent with our research results. In stage 2, the ratio of the SM suffering from immune-related disease dropped signi cantly.…”
Section: The Internal Reasons and Composition Of Icu Admission For Sm...supporting
confidence: 90%
“…The results were in line with the published literature in China. [12,32] Importantly, we also found that compared with the non-pregnant patients in which the proportion of AP cases caused by gallstones (41.8%) was equal to that caused by hyperlipidemia (46.7%), the proportion of APIP patients caused by hyperlipidemia was signi cantly higher (59.2% vs 16.3%), and there were no alcohol-caused APIP patients. This nding contrasted with those made in other parts of Europe and America, where gallstones were considered to be the most common cause and cases of AP among pregnant women were partly caused by alcohol.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 49%
“…It is more commonly experienced in the third trimester in multiparous women. Hypertriglyceridaemia‐induced acute pancreatitis (HIAP) accounts for up to 58% of cases in pregnancy 78 . Hypertriglyceridaemia is the third commonest cause of acute pancreatitis in pregnancy 75 .…”
Section: Impact Of Elevated Lipids On Pregnancy Complicationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…During pregnancy, the physiological rise in TG is unlikely sufficient to cause HIAP. However, studies have reported HIAP in pregnancies with TG levels greater than 2.5 mmol/L 78,79,81 . Details of the diagnosis and management of acute pancreatitis in pregnancy have been well covered by O'Heney et al 75 .…”
Section: Impact Of Elevated Lipids On Pregnancy Complicationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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