VX, a potent inhibitor of cholinesterase (ChE), is considered as one of the most toxic, persistent and least volatile nerve agents. VX is absorbed in various environmental surfaces and is gradually released long after its initial dispersal. Its toxicity is mainly caused by disrupting central and peripheral cholinergic nervous system activity, leading to potential long-term detrimental effects on health. The primary objective of the present study was to assess the threshold VX dose leading to minimal physiological alterations following prolonged VX exposure. Characterization of such a threshold is crucial for dealing with unresolved operative dilemmas such as when it is safe enough to resettle a population that has been evacuated from a VX-contaminated area. Rats, continuously exposed to various doses of VX (0.225-45 µg/kg/day) for 4 weeks via implanted mini-osmotic pumps, showed a dose-dependent and continuous decrease in ChE activity in whole blood, brain and muscles, ranging between 20 and 100%. Exposure to 13.5 µg/kg/day led to a stable low ChE activity level (~ 20%), accompanied by transient and negligible electrocorticogram spectral power transformations, especially in the theta and alpha brain wave frequencies, and a significant decrease in total brain M2 receptor density. These changes were neither accompanied by observable signs of intoxication nor by changes in motor function, circadian rhythm or TSPO level (a reliable marker of brain damage). Following exposure to lower doses of 2.25 and 0.225 µg/kg/day, the only change measured was a reduction in ChE activity of 60 and 20%, respectively. Based on these results, we delineate ChE inhibition as the physiological measure most susceptible to alterations following prolonged VX exposure, and determine for the first time the threshold sub-acute VX dose for minimal physiological effects (up to 20% reduction in ChE activity) in the rat as 0.225 µg/kg/day.