We evaluated the short-term results of percutaneous excimer laser angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction. Of the 18 patients studied, 2 were female and 16 male with a mean age of 56.6 +/- 12.1 years. Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction grades 0, 1, and 2 flow was observed in 10, 5, and 3 cases, respectively, prior to the procedure. The degree of stenosis was 97.9% +/- 5.1%. The lesion was crossed with a laser catheter in all cases, using a mean number of 808 +/- 384 laser pulses. Type C dissection developed in only 1 case (6%). Except for this case, distal flow was grade 3 in all the patients. Following the procedure, ST segment resolution exceeding 70% was achieved in 14 cases (78%) within the first 90 minutes. The success rate of laser ablation was 94% (17 patients). Stent implantation was performed in all the cases. In conclusion, laser angioplasty is an effective and reliable treatment for acute myocardial infarction.