Studies of developmental eff ects of mixtures of endocrine disrupters on the male reproductive system are of great concern. In this study, the reproductive eff ects of the co-administration of di-2-(ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and genistein (GEN) during pregnancy and lactation were studied in male rat off spring. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged from gestation day 3 to postnatal day 21 with vehicle control, DEHP 250 mg⁄kg body weight (bw)⁄day, GEN 50 mg⁄kg bw⁄day, GEN 400 mg⁄kg bw⁄day, and two combinations of the two compounds (DEHP 250 mg⁄kg bw⁄day + GEN 50 mg⁄kg bw⁄day, DEHP 250 mg⁄kg bw⁄day + GEN 400 mg⁄kg bw⁄day). The outcomes studied were general morphometry (weight, AGD), testicular histology, testosterone levels, and expression at the mRNA level of genes involved in steroidogenesis. Organ coeffi cient, AGD / body weight 1 / 3 , serum testosterone concentration and genes involved in steroidogenic pathway expression when exposed to DEHP (250mg/kg bw⁄day), GEN(50mg/kg bw⁄day) or GEN(400mg/kg bw⁄day) alone were not signifi cantly diff erent from the control group. When exposed to (DEHP 250mg/kg bw⁄day +GEN 50mg/kg bw⁄day) together during pregnancy and lactation, serum testosterone concentration, epididymis coeffi cient and Cypal17a1,Scarb1 m RNA expression signifi cantly decreased compared to the control and GEN(50mg/kg bw⁄day). When exposed to (DEHP 250mg/kg bw⁄day +GEN 400mg/kg bw⁄day) together during pregnancy and lactation, AGD / body weight 1 / 3 , serum testosterone concentration, testis and epididymis coeffi cient and Star, Cypal17a1 mRNA expression appeared signifi cantly decreased compared to the control and DEHP/GEN single exposure, together with developmental impairment of seminiferous tubules and seminiferous epithelium. Overall, co-administration of DEHP and GEN during gestation and lactation seem to acts in a cumulative manner to induce the most signifi cant alterations in the neonate, especially with GEN at high dose, although the eff ect of the DEHP-GEN mixture on adult off spring should be observed further.