In the course of researching phytochemicals in Asclepiadaceous plants, we have reported the isolation and structural determination of pregnane glycosides from Asclepias spp., Cynanchum spp., Metaplexis spp., and Araujia spp. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] In the preceding paper, we reported on 8,12;8,20-diepoxy-8,14-secopregnane glycosides from the aerial parts of Asclepias tuberosa L.9) A. tuberosa L. is a plant indigenous to North America and distributed widely. Its roots are known as "pleurisy root" and used to treat pleurisy and bronchitis. In the present paper, we describe the isolation and structural determination of twenty-two same type glycosides from a more hydrophobic fraction of the methanol extract of the aerial parts of this plant.Details of the extraction of the aerial parts of A. tuberosa were given in the previous paper.9) The residue from the 80% MeOH in water soluble-fraction of the ether layer was subjected to silica gel column chromatography and semi-preparative HPLC to give compounds 1-24. Compounds 4 and 14 were the known pregnane glycosides identified as tuberoside B 5 and G 5 , respectively.
9)The aglycones of these compounds except for 6 and 7 were identified as tuberogenin (1a), 9) 15b-acetoxytuberogenin, 9) 5,6-didehydrotuberogenin (9a), 9,10) or 15b-hydroxytuberogenin (10a) 9) based on the NMR spectroscopic data and acid hydrolysis. The component monosaccharides of each sugar moiety were determined as D-cymarose, D-oleandrose, D-digitoxose and/or D-canarose (see Experimental). Moreover, the compounds 2, 3, 5-10, 15-17, and 18 were identified as shown in Chart 1. The sugar sequences were previously determined in pregnane glycosides, consistent with their NMR spectroscopic data in the literature. : C-2 (Ϫ2.1 ppm), C-3 (ϩ6.0 ppm), C-4 (Ϫ3.7 ppm)), 1 was presumed to be tuberogenin 3-O-triglycoside. Moreover, the NMR spectra and acid hydrolysis suggested that the sugar moiety of 1 consisted of one digitoxose and one oleandrose along with a terminal oleandrose, which retained b-forms as judged from the J value of each anomeric proton signal (Jϭ9.5, 2.0 Hz). The sequence of the sugar moiety was determined based on the measurements of the rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effect (ROE) difference spectra on irradiating the anomeric proton signal of each sugar in 1. ROEs were found between The compounds 2, 3, 5, 8-13, 15-23, and 24 were also glycosylated at the C-3 position of each aglycone, based on observations of glycosylation shifts in their 13 C-NMR spectra.In HR-FAB-MS, tuberoside B 7 (6) and B 8 (7) were suggested to have the molecular formulae C 49 H 80 O 17 and C 49 H 78 O 17 , respectively which were an O atom and an H 2 O unit smaller than tuberoside B 2 (25).9) The 13 C-and 1 H-NMR spectroscopic data of 6 and 7 were similar to those of 25. However, 6 exhibited a methylene carbon signal for C-15 at d 35.1 the same as 1, replacing a hydroxy methine signal found in 25. Acid hydrolysis of 6 afforded 6a, whose configuration was determined as shown in Chart 2 by the difference ROE experiments. ...