This research is motivated by various morals and characters that are declining and declining in the current era of globalization, both within the family, school and community. Education has an important role in rebuilding individual character values. Imam Al-Ghazali's character education study is very interesting because of the many character values reflected in the book Ihya' Ulumuddin. This study uses a type of library research with a qualitative approach. Primary and secondary data obtained, collected and processed by way of re-examination (editing), organizing the data, and finding the results, then re-analyzed using content analysis techniques so as to know the benefits, results or effects of these things. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that the concept of character education for Imam Al-Ghazali has two main elements, soul character which is reflected in sincere worship for God and physical character which is reflected in good morals and deepening useful knowledge. These two characters encourage a person to have a clean heart by continuously doing good for the happiness of himself and others. In its development, characters emerge that connect us with Allah SWT and other people, such as the character of discipline in praying the five times a day and in carrying out work, working hard and independently in all activities, being responsible and respecting the rights of others, being friendly and communicative in socializing, and love peace and love for our beloved motherland.