SDN based VANET Data cycles of ITS Simulation/performance applications Figure A. General structure of proposed SDN based VANET architecture Purpose: In this study, it is aimed to present an architectural proposal about how to use SDN and VANET network paradigms together in intersection management systems in order to use both existing intersection management system modules more adaptively and future traffic based services to be added in desired service quality without changing the communication infrastructure. In addition, to show the functionality of the proposed SDN based VANET architecture in signaling system, we propose an ant colony algorithm based SDN controller's modules Theory and Methods: SDN agent RSU compares broadcast traffic packets that obtained from SDN agent vehicles with its flow table. After control process on flow table, RSU generates a raw TCP packet and send it to related SDN switch. After comparing inbound packet with its flow table, SDN switch send the traffic data to SDN controller within packet_in message of Openflow protocol. SDN based ant colony algorithm calculatea new phase durations via Topology Manager and Link Discovery modules of Floodlight Controller. Results: The results obtained from ant colony algorithm based SDN modules were compared with fixed-time signaling and Webster equation which are used in traditional systems and also computational techniques (particle swarm optimization and fuzzy model) on a isolated intersection. It shows that the proposed algorithm and architecture provide an improvement about % 15-22 according to existing systems and %7-12 according to computational techniques in average delay and queueing. Conclusion: In this study, to solve problems in application and transmition infrastructures of ITS, it was aimed to show how to integrate SDN and VANET architectures on an isolated intersection management system and how to perform data conversion operations on this proposed system. Also a new traffic signaling approach by ant colony algorithm based on modules of SDN controller are presented.