Limeira, Maria Ignez Carneiro de Azevedo; Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha (Advisor). Remarriage with the ex-spouse: a joint reconstruction process of the marital relationship. Rio de Janeiro, 2018. 123p. Tese de Doutorado -Departamento de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.The purpose of the present study was to understand, from the spouse's discourse, the main factors that contribute to the marital relationship reconstruction in the remarriage with the ex-spouse. It was based, mainly, on the triangular theory of love (Sternberg, 1986) and on the attachment theory (Bowlby, 1988), applied to adults (Johnson 2012b; Weiss 1976). A qualitative study was carried out with 12 independent subjects, from the middle strata of Rio de Janeiro populationheterosexuals, married with the ex-spouse, with children in common. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and, for the results analysis, the content analysis method (Bardin, 2011) was used, in its categorical aspect. From the narratives, four analysis categories emerged: separation period; personal values; levels of change; and, attributes of love. The first category was unfolded in three subcategories: it was worth it, fantasies x realities and giving a time. The second, originate two: concept about marriage and religious beliefs. The third category was unfolded in two subcategories: expectations, and attitudes and behaviors. The fourth category originate three: intimacy, passion and decision/commitment. The results suggest that different factors, over time, contribute to the reconstruction of these relationships. The meaning of the separation experiences, coupled with the interaction of the ex-spouses attachment styles, reapproximated the former partners. Personal values have a consolidating role; it works as part of the foundation that underpins the chosen direction. A greater empathy for the partner and a serious willingness to take on responsibility leads to changes that confirm the true commitment to the relationship. The companion love, reinforced by genuine giving, acts as a natural protection to the relationship, over time.