“…In health care, hope has been mcorporated into the concept of carmg (Mayeroff 1971, Watson 1979 Hope has been impbcated as a factor m maintammg and regainmg health (Dufault & Martocchi 1985, Green et al 1982, Vaillot 1970, Watson 1979 and accepting illness-related limitations or dymg (Hmds 1988, Owen 1989, Wnght & Shontz 1968 The level of hope seems to be a factor m the eflfectiveiwss of psychiatnc mterventions (Beck & Weissman 1974 Enckson et al 1975, Menninger 1959, Perley et al 1971 and adaptation to chronic illness (Craig & Edwards 1983, Mandenno & Bzdek 1986, Miller 1983, O'Malley & Menke 1988, Wnght & Shontz 1968 Hope has also been studied as a vanable m the occurrence of, and recovery from cancer (Hickey 1986, Hmds & Martin 1988, Mishel et al 1984, Nowotny 1989, Owen 1989, Schmale & Iker 1966, Stoner & Keampfer 1985 As a result of these studies, knowledge about hope and its therapeutic value is begmnmg to emerge However, a clear understandmg of the word hope is not always evident Walker & Avant (1988) have suggested the process of concept analysis to danfy the mearungs of words and/or concepts Through the process of concept analysis, definitions, charactenstics and attnbutes of a concept can be identified to assist with further research…”