. 2009. Comparing plant water relations for wheat with alternative pulse and oilseed crops grown in the semiarid Canadian prairie. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89: 823Á835. Understanding the drought physiology of alternate crops is essential to assess the production risks of new cropping systems. We compared the water relations of dry (field) pea (Pisum sativum L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), canola (Brassica napus L.) and mustard (Brassica juncea L.) with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different moisture availabilities in field trials conducted in 1997 and 1998 at Swift Current, SK. Stress experience and stress responses varied with crop type. In general, there were similarities in drought physiology between the two pulse crops and between the two oilseed crops. The mean predawn leaf water potential of pea was frequently lowest, while the mean midday leaf water potential of wheat was at least Á0.40 MPa lower than for any other crop. The crops exhibited different strategies to overcome water stress. Wheat had the lowest osmotic potential at full turgor, except under drought when turgor was lowest for chickpea and wheat; the highest values were observed in Brassica spp. Mean midday pressure potentials were lowest in wheat (and mostly negative, indicating loss of turgor) and highest for the pulse crops. Mean midday pressure potential for canola was positive when well-watered, otherwise it was near 0. Despite lowering osmotic potential, wheat could not maintain positive turgor much of the time at midday. Pulse crops, with the contributions from both osmotic adjustment and cell elasticity, maintained positive turgor over a wider range of water potentials compared with the other crops. With regard to both osmotic adjustment and tissue elasticity, we ranked the crops from high to low ability to adjust to moderate to severe water stress as pulses wheat Brassica oilseeds.Key words: Leaf water, osmotic, turgor potentials, wheat, pulse, canola, semiarid prairie Cutforth, H. W., Angadi, S. V., McConkey, B. G., Entz, M. H., Ulrich, D., Volkmar, K. M., Miller, P. et Brandt, S. A. 2009. Liens entre la plante et l'eau pour le ble´et les le´gumineuses et ole´agineux de remplacement cultive´s dans la re´gion semiaride des Prairies canadiennes. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89: 823Á835. Comprendre la physiologie des cultures de remplacement pendant la se´cheresse est indispensable si l'on veut e´valuer les risques associe´s a`leur production. Les auteurs comparent les relations que le pois de grande culture (Pisum sativum L.), le pois chiche (Cicer arietinum L.), le canola (Brassica napus L.) et la moutarde (Brassica juncea L.) entretiennent avec l'eau a`celles du ble´de printemps (Triticum aestivum L.) en fonction de la quantite´d'eau disponible lors des essais au champ effectue´s en 1997 et en 1998 a`Swift Current (Saskatchewan). Le stress et la re´action au stress varient avec la culture. En ge´ne´ral, les deux le´gumineuses et les deux ole´agineux pre´sentent des similitudes au niveau de leur physiologie pendant la se´cheresse. Le ...