RESUMO.-A colibacilose, causada por Escherichia coli, Ă© a enfermidade entĂ©rica de maior impacto na produção de suĂnos, podendo levar Ă morte do animal. Esta bactĂ©ria possui grande capacidade de desenvolver resistĂȘncia a mĂșltiplos antimicrobianos e a desinfetantes. Desta forma, estudos que abordem mecanismos de resistĂȘncia e perÏil de amostras de campo tornam-se necessĂĄrios. E. coli Ă© amplamente utilizada como modelo de estudos que exploram a resistĂȘncia intrĂn-seca e extrĂnseca a multidrogas. Neste trabalho, buscou-se Colibacillosis caused by Escherichia coli is the most important enteric disease in pig production, which may lead to death of the affected animal. The bacterium has a great ability to develop resistance to multiple antibiotics and disinfectants. Thus, investigation addressing mechanisms of resistance and proÏile of Ïield samples is necessary. E. coli is widely used as a model for studies that explore the intrinsic and extrinsic resistance to multidrugs. In this paper, we attempt to associate the susceptibility proÏile of 62 isolates of E. coli to three disinfectants and 13 antimicrobials. Also 31 isolates were tested for the presence of efÏlux mechanism. Of the three disinfectants tested, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride+nonyl phenoxy polyethoxy ethanol was the most effective (100%), followed by glutaraldehyde+al kyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (95.2%) and alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (88.8%). Among the antimicrobials tested, there was greater resistance to tetracycline (62.2%) and higher sensitivity to Ïlorfenicol (88.6%). The high sensitivity of the isolates against disinfectants may be related to the absence of efÏlux mechanism. The average index of multiple resistance to antimicrobials was 0.52, what demonstrates a proÏile of multidrug resistant isolates, showing the need for rational use of these drugs in pig production.