kKeyword:vibration; mitochondria; energy metabolism; heart; liver; kidney; vibration model of hypoxia; dystrophy; rabbit.
AAdsoras:The purpose of the paper was experimental study of activity of energy production of the heart, liver and kidney after harmful action of general vibration with 8 and 44 Hz frequency. The functional state of native mitochondria in tissue homogenates was studied by polarographic method by means of closed oxygen device of halvanic type in thermostated cuvette of 1 ml volume in the salt medium of incubation. Metabolic states of mitochondria of the rabbit heart, liver and kidney were modeled in vitro in oxidation of endogenous substrates (before and after administration of inhibitors of different stages of breath chain) varying exogenous substrates (before and after administration of 2.4-DNP into the cell). In order to synchronize the changes in short time, the incomplete cycle of metabolic states "endogenous breath → rest → activity" was used. The velocity of mitochondrial oxidation of endogenous substrates was determined by tissue