Brno, 58, 1989: 215-223. In in vitro experiments we studied the effect of monensin on production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) from cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin and starch in mixed cultures of rumen microorganisms. The following results were obtained:1. Monensin lowered the concentration of VF A in cultures with cellulose. There were only minor differences in total VF A concentration between monensin-free and monensin-treated cultures with hemicelluloses, pectin and starch.2. Monensin decreased the molar ratio acetate to propionate in cultures with hemicelluloses, pectin and starch, but increased this ratio in cultures with cellulose.3. There were no significant differences between monensin from Elanco and its Czechoslovak analogue. Monensin maintained its effect throughout the 3-month experimental period.
In vitro, rumen fluid, acetate, propionate, butyrateMonensin, an ionophore antibiotic, is widely used to improve the feed efficiency and stimulate the body mass gains of ruminants. While considerable research has been reported on how rumen fermentation is affected by monensin, information is limited on how this polyether ionophore affects the fermentation of particular components of plant cell material. Some experiments in vivo and in vitro have shown that monensin decreases the digestibility of fibre and fibrous components (Poos et al. 1979;Henderson et al. 1981;Wallace et al. 1981;Whetstone et al. 1981). Also salinomycin, an ionophore similar to monensin, has been shown to depress the digestibility of fibre (Zinn 1986). However, other authors found only minor