pects of the vernalization response, however, are still under debate, such as the expression of the vernalization Vernalization is a process required for certain plant species to response [should it be in units of thermal time to flowenter the reproductive stage through an exposure to low, nonfreezing ering or final leaf number (FLN)?] and how genetic temperatures. These plant species include some fall-planted cereals,variability should be characterized (Wang et al., 1995; among them winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A three-stage linear function is currently used in wheat simulation models to describe the Rawson et al., 1998). developmental response to the duration of the vernalization treatment, Wheat plants respond to vernalization by decreasing expressed as effective vernalization days (VD). This function lacks their time to flowering (i.e., there is an increase in the generality because the value of its coefficients varies with genotype. development rate toward flowering), and there is no de-The objective of this study was to develop a generalized nonlinear vervelopmental response to vernalizing temperatures after nalization response function for winter wheat. The nonlinear vernalflowering (Slafer and Rawson, 1994; Cao and Moss, ization function developed in this study has coefficients with biological 1997; Wang and Engel, 1998). The decrease in the time meaning. Data of final leaf number at different VD treatments in 12 to flowering is caused by a decrease in the number of winter wheat cultivars from 19 trials, which are from published reprimordia that become leaves, i.e., a decrease in FLN search and from a growth chamber experiment conducted as part of (Hay and Kirby, 1991; Slafer and Rawson, 1994; Wang this study, were used as independent data for evaluating the nonlinear et al., 1995). The plant response to vernalization is given vernalization function. These data sets represent a wide range of winter wheat cultivars developed in different parts of the world. The by the combination of two factors, the temperature durgeneralized nonlinear vernalization function described the developing the vernalization period and the duration of the mental response to VD better (RMSE ϭ 0.032) than the three-stage vernalization period. Vernalization has three cardinal linear functions (RMSE ϭ 0.060 for cultivar Karl 92 and RMSE ϭ (minimum, optimum, and maximum) temperatures (Yan 0.129 for cultivar Arapahoe). It is concluded that the vernalization and Hunt, 1999). In an extensive review, Porter and response of winter wheat can be described by a general vernalization Gawith (1999) suggested that the cardinal temperatures function. This conclusion implies that a reduction in the input data for vernalization in wheat are Ϫ1.3, 4.9, and 15.7ЊC, requirements is possible for winter wheat simulation models.respectively. The duration of the exposure to vernalizing temperatures is measured as VD. One VD is attained 155