The first line of mucosa! defence includes the juxtamucosal unstirred layer/pl I gradient and the apical surface~ of the luminal epithelial cells.Many damag ing age nts, including n onsteroidnl anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can overwhelm Lhese defences and destroy ex tensive regions of the luminal cpiLhe lium. This damage is readily L olerated in the normal mucosa. Furthermore, a combination of inc reased mucosa! bloodflow, epi thelial migration, mucus release, and efflu x of bicarbonate-rich fluid usua lly allows rapid recovery of mucosa I integrity. In th e presence of vasc ular damage and congestion, however, luminal acid can kill mucosa! cells and destroy the substrate necessary for repair (by epithelial migration ). Damage of this type results in the production of hemorrhag ic erosion s, which may then develop into chronic ulceroinflammatory disease if healing is prevented by exec&, lu minal ac id or by impaired mucosa! immune response. Endogenous and exogenous prostaglandins could affect all aspects of the mucosa! defensive response~, fro m the juxcam ucosal unstirred layer/pH gradient ( via effects on secretion of bicarbonate, acid and mucus, as well as stimulation of fluid efflux) to the function of the mucosa! immune system. Protection against the acute damage produced by topically administered NSAIDs or concentrated etha nol can result from e ither administration of prostaglandins or topical applicaLion of'mild irritants'. This is referred to as 'adaptive cytopr~tection'. Parenterally adm in istereJ NSAIDs can also produce mucosa! erosions. Proteclion aga inst this type of damage may depend on the effects of proscaglandins on neura l and contractile elements in the mucosa. Studies on animal models also suggest that by preventing ac ute hemorrhagic erosions, prostaglandins may prevent the development of chronic ulcer in susceptible individuals. Can J Gastroenterol 1990;4(3 ):95 -107