This paper provides insights into the handling of climate change issues related to cultural heritage at different government decision levels dealing with physical planning, and in particular roads. Data are derived from a qualitative analysis of official reports and interviews with local and regional planners in three Swedish regions with contrasting climates. The theoretical lens of Institutional Interplay is applied to an analysis grouped into six themes: Climate threats to cultural heritage; Adaptation measures; Preparedness; Institutional preconditions; Institutional interplay, and Challenges. The results suggest that despite a strong environmental reputation internationally, Sweden is not particularly well prepared for dealing with future climate change impacts on cultural heritage and landscape. The lack of national standards and standardized methods risks regional and sectoral variation in the treatment of similar tasks; a problem which deficiencies in knowledge and continuing education are perpetuating. The degree to which discussions and cooperation occurs between divisions within the same authority, between authorities, and in national networks, varies considerably. Routines and criteria for prioritization of cultural heritage mitigation, essential under conditions of limited resources, have yet to have been implemented. We conclude with five recommendations for improving the planning process with respect to climate change risks to cultural heritage.