Obtaining tenure and receiving one level of promotion often seem to be the overriding concern for new and/or untenured faculty. Administrators and tenured faculty generally encourage this viewpoint, based on the knowledge that, at many campuses, tenure is a requirement for continued employment. While continued employment is certainly desired by most faculty, satisfaction with professional and personal accomplishments and the opportunity to pursue one's interests within the constraints of university, family, society, and available time are much more significant. In order to achieve tenure and promotion, maintain an acceptable level of professional and personal satisfaction, and allow time to pursue some of the activities enjoyed outside of the workplace, each faculty member should develop a comprehensive strategic plan. Based on the escalating workload which is imposed on faculty (either by external or internal sources), the plan must encompass all aspects of life. The level, quantity, and quality of work produced by any one faculty member can be limited by many factors outside of the university, and a realistic strategic plan will reflect these considerations (i.e., aging parents, young children, involvement in religious or charitable organizations, funding agencies, consulting work, etc.), since these same factors may offer the faculty member immeasurable personal satisfaction. This paper discusses establishing an appropriate plan to meet those obligations needed to achieve tenure and promotion; facilitate pursuit of personal and professional interests which fall outside the reward system at a given university; and prepare for academic success following the first promotion. Adaptation of the plan to accommodate changing university and personal goals is considered.