In accordance with the requirements of the professional standard, the teacher of the modern school must have skills related to digital technologies, communicative competence, and the skill to manage educational projects. Professional development of future specialists requires organization of purposeful practical activities, within which students of pedagogical specialties will be able to acquire skills to work with information, use various software environments to create the e-portfolio and present necessary educational resources in it.The purpose of the research is to study the impact of participation of future teachers in practical activities of developing the multifunctional interactive portfolio of their professional development.The methodology is based on the analysis of the didactic potential of the e-portfolio technology, support for UNESCO initiatives, state programs for the development of education. The analysis and generalization of literature on the problem of using interactive tools in the digital school, processing of test results are applied. The software tools are: interactive simulators; timelines; mental maps; presentations. The experiment involved 80 students of Vyatka State University who major in Pedagogical Education (bachelor degree level).Research results. The implementation of the system of practical exercises on the development of the multifunctional interactive portfolio made it possible to change the nature of interaction between participants in educational relations in the experimental group; to improve quality of services in the electronic form; to determine priority areas for development for each student, etc.In conclusion, the features of applying the proposed portfolio model are described: principles of the unity of education and upbringing, individualization, variability, reflection and cooperation; the system of components that take into account professional competences, etc.