The image generation model based on generative adversarial networks has recently received significant attention and can produce diverse, sharp, and realistic images. However, generating high-resolution images has long been a challenge. In this paper, we propose a progressive spatial recursive adversarial expansion model(called SpatialGAN) capable of producing high-quality samples of the natural image. Our approach uses a cascade of convolutional networks to progressively generate images in a part-to-whole fashion. At each level of spatial expansion, a separate image-toimage spatial adversarial expansion network (conditional GAN) is recursively trained based on context image generated by previous GAN or CGAN. Unlike other coarse-to-fine generative methods that constraint on generative process either by multi-scale resolution or by hierarchical feature, the SpatialGAN decomposes image space into multiple subspaces and gradually resolves uncertainties in the local-to-whole generative process. The SpatialGAN greatly stabilizes and speeds up the training, which allows us to produce images of high quality. Based on visual Inception Score and Fréchet Inception Distance, we demonstrate that the quality of images generated by SpatialGAN on several typical datasets is better than that of images generated by GANs without cascading and comparative with the state of art methods with cascading.