This paper addresses the problem of station-keeping of a surface vessel by means of the consecutive compensator approach. The horizontal motion of the vessel is described by a dynamic model. The model is set up in vessel parallel coordinates, with three degrees of freedom: longitudinal, transverse and rotational motion. It is assumed that the vessel is fully actuated, i.e. there is a sufficient number and type of actuators and a thrust allocation system to ensure full manoeuvrability. Thus, the control can be designed with the assumption of three independent inputs and three output signals. The longitudinal motion can be considered separately, but a cross-coupling exists between the transverse and rotational kinetics. There is uncertainty both in parameters and signals, due to the vessel mass, inertia, and damping, as well as the unmeasured derivatives. The proposed control ensures station-keeping when the vessel is subjected to external disturbances. The consecutive compensator, which is based on high-gain feedback, provides robustness. Stability analysis is presented considering the cross-terms as limited disturbances. This allows proof of exponential stability. Experimental results are included from the Marine Cybernetics Laboratory (MC lab) at the Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (A MOS) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU ). Two scenarios are investigated: the scaled vessel is subjected to external disturbance, and the vessel executes the " four corner test". The experiments illustrate the applicability of the method.