In the context of nonparametric regression models with one-sided errors, we consider parametric transformations of the response variable in order to obtain independence between the errors and the covariates. In view of estimating the tranformation parameter, we use a minimum distance approach and show the uniform consistency of the estimator under mild conditions. The boundary curve, i.e. the regression function, is estimated applying a smoothed version of a local constant approximation for which we also prove the uniform consistency. We deal with both cases of random covariates and deterministic (fixed) design points. To highlight the applicability of the procedures and to demonstrate their performance, the small sample behavior is investigated in a simulation study using the so-called Yeo-Johnson transformations.which are typically considered for ϑ ∈ Θ = [0, 2] because then they are bijective maps Λ ϑ :The class of sinh-arcsinh transformations, see Jones and Pewsey (2009), do shift the location, but they can be modified to fulfill Λ ϑ (0) = 0 for all ϑ ∈ Θ, e.g. consider Λ (ϑ 1 ,ϑ 2 ) (y) = sinh(ϑ 1 sinh −1 (y) − ϑ 2 ) − sinh(−ϑ 2 ).Here ϑ 1 > 0 is the tailweight parameter and ϑ 2 ∈ R the skewness parameter. These transformations define also bijective maps Λ (ϑ 1 ,ϑ 2 ) : R → R.