The assessment of realistic work tasks is a critical aspect of introducing exoskeletons to work environments. However, as the experimental task’s complexity increases, the analysis of muscle activity becomes increasingly challenging. Thus, it is essential to use metrics that adequately represent the physical human–exoskeleton interaction (pHEI). Muscle activity analysis is usually reduced to a comparison of point values (average or maximum muscle contraction), neglecting the signals’ trend. Metrics based on single values, however, lack information about the dynamism of the task and its duration. Their meaning can be uncertain, especially when analyzing complex movements or temporally extended activities, and it is reduced to an overall assessment of the interaction on the whole task. This work proposes a method based on integrated EMGs (iEMGs) to evaluate the pHEI by considering task dynamism, temporal duration, and the neural energy associated with muscle activity. The resulting signal highlights the task phases in which the exoskeleton reduces or increases the effort required to accomplish the task, allowing the calculation of specific indices that quantify the energy exchange in terms of assistance (AII), resistance (RII), and overall interaction (OII). The method provides an analysis tool that enables developers and controller designers to receive insights into the exoskeleton performances and the quality of the user-robot interaction. The application of this method is provided for passive and two active back support exoskeletons: the Laevo, XoTrunk, and StreamEXO.