Large-scale network systems, such as grid/cloud computing systems, are increasingly expected to be autonomous, scalable, adaptive to dynamic network environments, survivable against partial system failures and simple to implement and maintain. Based on the observation that various biological systems have overcome these requirements, the proposed architecture, SymbioticSphere, applies biological principles and mechanisms to design network systems (i.e., application services and middleware platforms). SymbioticSphere follows key biological principles such as decentralization, evolution, emergence, diversity and symbiosis. Each application service and middleware platform is modeled as a biological entity, analogous to an individual bee in a bee colony, and implements biological mechanisms such as energy exchange, migration, replication, reproduction and death. Each agent/platform possesses behavior policies, as genes, each of which determines when to and how to invoke a particular behavior. Agents and platforms are designed to evolve and adjust their genes (behavior policies) through generations and autonomously improve their scalability, adaptability and survivability. Through this evolution process, agents/platforms strive to satisfy given constraints for quality of service (QoS) such as response time, throughput and workload distribution. This chapter describes the design of SymbioticSphere and evaluates how the biologically-inspired mechanisms in SymbioticSphere impact the autonomy, adaptability, scalability, survivability and simplicity of network systems.