“…For ease of discussion, we shall refer to each resource as a document. For this step any well-known single-server document clustering algorithm, such as K-Means (Forgy, 1965;MacQueen, 1967;Jain and Dubes, 1988;Frakes and Baeza-Yates, 1992), Single-Link (Hartigan, 1975;Gordon, 1981;Jain and Dubes, 1988), Complete-link (Gordon, 1981;Jain andDubes, 1988), Leader Algorithm (Hartigan, 1975), an adaptive clustering algorithm (Yu et al, 1985), etc., can be used in order to generate non-overlapping clusters of documents. The co-occurrence frequency of documents in complete user session records is used for determining the similarity of documents to each other in order to cluster documents based on access patterns in those clustering algorithms.…”