DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167219
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Adaptive Test Schemes for Control of Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cows

Abstract: Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection that in dairy cattle causes reduced milk yield, weight loss, and ultimately fatal diarrhea. Subclinical animals can excrete bacteria (Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, MAP) in feces and infect other animals. Farmers identify the infectious animals through a variety of test-strategies, but are challenged by the lack of perfect tests. Frequent testing increases the sensitivity but the costs of testing are a cause of concern for farmers. Here, we used a herd simula… Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(13 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…To avoid this complexity, we have chosen a range of 25-35% sensitivity for infected animals and 96% specificity. Recently, an adaptive test scheme was suggested from a simulation model simulated on the standard Danish dairy herd (8). In another study, test-records from 18,972 Danish dairy cows with MAP specific IgG antibodies on their final test-record were used to estimate age-specific sensitivities (54).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…To avoid this complexity, we have chosen a range of 25-35% sensitivity for infected animals and 96% specificity. Recently, an adaptive test scheme was suggested from a simulation model simulated on the standard Danish dairy herd (8). In another study, test-records from 18,972 Danish dairy cows with MAP specific IgG antibodies on their final test-record were used to estimate age-specific sensitivities (54).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the US cattle industry, the cost of PTB was estimated at $250 million every year (7). Infection by MAP usually occurs in the first year of life(8) and transmission can occur vertically (9) and/or horizontally via ingestion of fecal material contaminated by MAP (10). As PTB is a slowly progressive disease, progression of individual animals through different MAP infection states is a complex continuous process alternating excreting and non-excreting stages with a late onset of clinical signs (11,12).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…In the US cattle industry, the cost of PTB was estimated at $250 million every year [7]. The MAP Infection usually occurs in the first year of a ruminant’s life [8] and transmission can occur vertically [9] and/or horizontally via ingestion of fecal material contaminated by MAP [10]. As PTB is a slowly progressive disease, the progression of individual animals through different MAP infection states is a complex continuous process alternating excreting and non-excreting stages with a late onset of clinical signs [11,12].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the US dairy industry MAP is currently endemic, with animaland herd-level prevalences estimated to be around 4% and 35 to 68%, respectively (depending on whether 1 or 2 positive animals are necessary to consider the herd as positive; Garcia and Shalloo, 2015). However, due to the low sensitivity of current diagnostic tests, the true animal-and herd-level prevalences are likely to be higher (Lombard et al, 2013;Kirkeby et al, 2016). The estimated costs to the US dairy industry are more than $200 million/yr (Ott et al, 1999).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%