In this study, myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers were investigated with electrophoretic techniques. Single fibers were dissected out of lyophilized surgical biopsies and typed by staining for myofibrillar ATPase after preincubation in acid or alkaline buffers. After I4C-labeling of the fiber proteins in v i m by reductive methylation, the myosin light chain pattern was analysed on two-dimensional gels and the myosin heavy chains were investigated by one-dimensional peptide mapping. Surprisingly, human type I fibers, which contained only the slow heavy chain, were found to contain variable amounts of fast myosin light chains in addition to the two slow light chains LCls and LC2s. The majority of the type I fibers in normal human muscle showed the pattern LCls, LC2s and LClf. Further evidence for the existence in human muscle of a hybrid myosin composed of a slow heavy chain with fast and slow light chains comes from the analysis of purified human myosin in the native state by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis. With this method, a single band corresponding to slow myosin was obtained ; this slow myosin had the light chain composition LCls, LC2s and LClf.Type IIA and IIB fibers, on the other hand, revealed identical light chain patterns consisting of only the fast light chains LClf, LC2f and LC3f but were found to have different myosin heavy chains.On the basis of the results presented, we suggest that thc histochemical ATPase normally used for fibre typing is determined by the myosin heavy chain type (and not by the light chains). Thus, in normal human muscle a number of 'hybrid' myosins were found to occur, namely two extreme forms of fast myosins which have the same light chains but different heavy chains (IIA and IIB) and a continuum of slow forms consisting of the same heavy chain and slow light chains with a variable Fast light chain composition. This is consistent with the different physiological roles these fibers are thought to have in muscle contraction.