A sample of 1,500 self‐report mailed questionnaires distributed by the Migraine Foundation was analyzed To provide basic information on a large number of migraine sufferers in Canada, and more specifically to examine the extent of use and the perceived efficacy of tranquilizers and mood elevators by migraine sufferers.
Data were presented on family history, headache history and type of migraine, triggers, physicians/specialist contacts, the extent and efficacy of both drug and non‐drug treatments, and suspected addiction. For each of these topics, the limitations of this data, unique or interesting findings and areas deserving further investigation were discussed.
The analysis of the data on tranquilizers and mood elevators indicated that these drugs had been used by approximately 41% of migraine sufferers at some time. In general, the type of migraine did not appear to determine who received the tranquilizing and mood elevating agents. Females were more prone to both migraine and to the use of any of the classes of medication. Tranquilizers and mood elevators, considered to be moderately efficacious, ranked below the prescription pain killers, many of the special migraine medications and many of the non‐drug treatments.